Bangkok hosted XV International AIDS Conference from July 11 - 16, 2004. World
political leaders, scientists, social movement organizers held discussions
during this six-day conference. Topics involve problems that have emerged till
today concerning the prevention, treatment and consultation of AIDS around the
world. Survey results from a research collaboration (Chinese Residents’
Attitudes and Behavior towards AIDS) by Futures Group and Horizon Research Group
has been released in this conference. This survey was conducted under the
sponsorship of DFID. Research findings show that Chinese residents now have poor
knowledge regarding AIDS. People’s care and acceptance for AIDS patients or
people living with AIDS has been circumscribed by lack of knowledge. Generally
speaking, Chinese residents also lack the knowledge about the function of
condoms in AIDS prevention. Few people have actively used condoms as a
preventive measure against the spread of AIDS or HIV virus.
This survey was carried out among 3968 Chinese residents ages16-60. 1866 were
from cities and 2102 were from small towns and rural areas. From August to
September of 2003, respondents from seven big cities including Beijing and
Shanghai and small towns and rural areas in seven provinces were interviewed on
a number of topics, including some questions on HIV/AIDS. This national omnibus
study used multi-phase random sampling, and have a margin error of minus and
plus 1.75 percentage points within a confidence interval of 95%. The results
have been weighted in accordance with population sizes of different regions.
This is another large-scale consecutive study following Chinese Residents’
Knowledge, Attitudes and Behaviors Related to HIV/AIDS from April to June of
Less than 10% of Correct Answer Rate on Knowledge of
City residents are the most knowledgeable about HIV/AIDS. Nearly all (96.2%)
of city residents have heard of HIV/AIDS, compared to 82.6% of town residents
and 75.1% of rural residents. Compared with a similar study conducted in 2002
among city and town residents, knowledge of AIDS in urban areas is about the
same (89.9 percent in 2002 and 91.2 percent in 2003).
The depth of knowledge about HIV/AIDS among Chinese residents is not
sufficient to prevent its spread in the country. In this survey, respondents
were asked to answer four questions on the transmission routes of AIDS, which
are ‘Can a pregnant woman infected with HIV or AIDS transmit the virus to her
unborn child?’ ‘Can a woman with HIV or AIDS transmit the virus to her newborn
child through breastfeeding?’, ‘Can HIV be spread through blood?’, ‘Can a person
get HIV by sharing a meal with someone who is infected?’. Another three
questions specifically focus on transmission of HIV through sex. People were
asked, ‘Can people reduce their chance of getting HIV, the virus that causes
AIDS by having just one partner who is not infected and who has no other
partners?’ ‘Can people reduce their chance of getting the virus that causes AIDS
by not having sex at all?’ ‘Can people protect themselves from HIV the virus
that causes AIDS by using a condom correctly every time they have sex?’ These
behaviors represent the ‘ABCs’ of prevention of HIV through sexual transmission.
To each of these seven questions, more than 40% of all residents gave correct
answers. People have a better idea about mother to child transmission of HIV and
the importance of not sharing needles than about the role of sex in transmission
of HIV and the role of condoms in preventing HIV. Only half of all Chinese
residents know that not having sex at all will reduce the chance of HIV
transmission and 40 percent know that correct and consistent condom use can
protect against HIV transmission. Of the seven questions on AIDS-related
knowledge, the question on condom use was answered correctly by the lowest
percentage of respondents in cities, towns and rural areas.
Further analysis reveals that only 25.6% of all respondents answered all the
four questions concerning the transmission routes of AIDS correctly. And only
21.4% of all respondents answered the three questions concerning preventive
measures against HIV/AIDS transmission through sex correctly. The correct answer
rate for all seven questions is 8.7%. Chinese residents have a lot more to learn
about HIV/AIDS.
residents clearly have better knowledge about HIV/AIDS, compared to town and
rural residents. Their correct answer rate to questions concerning transmission
routes of HIV/AIDS is 15.5 percentage points higher than that of town residents,
and 16.8 percentage points higher than that of rural residents. To questions
concerning preventive measures against sex transmissions, city residents’
correct answer rate is 5.5 percentage points higher than that of town residents,
and 10.3 percentage points higher than that of rural residents.
More care for AIDS
People in China have poor knowledge about AIDS and few people express caring
attitudes and acceptance for those infected by or living with AIDS. Comparing
with 2002, the percentage of people showing a caring attitude and acceptance for
those infected by or living with AIDS has dropped.
Research results show that only 33.9% of urban residents and 19% of town
residents think that they could work harmoniously with AIDS patients, with 7.1
percentage point and 12 percentage point decreases respectively comparing with
year 2002. When asked about respondents’ attitudes towards relatives with AIDS,
57.2% of urban residents and 45% of town residents are willing to take care of
their HIV+ relatives, with 10.8 percentage point and 18 percentage point
decreases respectively comparing with year 2002. And 57.2% of urban residents
and 63% of town residents hope to keep it secret, and these percentages have
increased comparing with year 2002.
Another research project targeting at sex workers and high-risk male
populations conducted under the combined efforts of Futures Group Europe and
Horizon Research Group has shown that there are marked differences among
respondents’ on their expectation of how their family members will treat them if
their family members were told about the different routes of transmission. That
is, people tend to care for those who have been infected by AIDS through blood
transfusion, while they feel angry and humiliated towards those who have been
infected by AIDS through sexual behaviors.
Few People Know That Condoms Can Protect Against STIS
and AIDS,Condom Use Is Not First Choice Against AIDS spreading by sex
AIDS could be transmitted through sex, blood transfusion and mother-child
transmission. Condoms could be very effective tools in preventing AIDS from been
transmitted through sex. The Chinese has two words for condoms – one refers to
‘contraceptive sheath’ and other to ‘protection sheath against disease.’
Research findings show that, in China, condoms are more usually called as
‘contraceptive sheath’. Yet, when asked what they associated with word ‘condom’,
35.9 percent of respondents still associated it with ‘contraception’, 28.8
percent with ‘sex’, and only 9.2 percent for protection against STI/AIDS.
Further analysis shows that among city, town and rural residents, the
percentages of people who mentioned condoms as ‘protective sheath against AIDS’
are respectively 17.0 percent, 11.4 percent and 5.8 percent; only a small
percent of rural residents mentioned the protective function of condoms.
Knowing that there is AIDS in China has not changed people’s behaviors much.
Around half of the people in the study said they have not changed their
behaviour at all. Among all the protective behaviour changes, the most
frequently mentioned were ‘be very careful about blood transfusions’ (20.2
percent), ‘not sharing needles with others’ (19.6 percent), and ‘stick with one
partner’ (17.3 percent). Only a small number of people mentioned changes
concerning the use of condoms. 5.8 percent of them mentioned that they ‘use
condoms more frequently’, and 4.8 percent of them said they ‘always use condoms
when having sex’. Rural residents were the least likely to say they had made any
changes to their behaviour as a result of knowing about AIDS in China. These
changes in behaviour suggest that messages about HIV transmission through blood
have spread faster in China than have messages about the role of sex in HIV
transmission – and the role of condoms in preventing the transmission of HIV
during sex.
Asked specifically about how they would change their behaviour with the
knowledge that HIV can be spread through sex, condom use was not the first
choice – 22.0 percent of residents said the would ‘stick with one partner’ and
19.8 percent said they would ‘avoid going to high risk places, like places where
sex workers work.’ Only 10.0 percent of Chinese residents said they would
‘always use condoms when having sex’, and 7.2 percent said that they would
‘always use condoms when having sex with non-regular partners.’ Rural residents
are less likely to say they would use condoms as a protective measure against
STI/AIDS compared to city and town residents.
Having the correct knowledge about AIDS is of importance for the public to
take precautions against AIDS. It is also a premise on which effective
communication is based. Currently in China, most residents have insufficient and
often incorrect understanding about AIDS, and apart from this, communication
about HIV/AIDS in the public domain has been hindered because of psychological
obstacles. It is of great importance for the public campaigns of HIV/AIDS
knowledge to be more targeted, especially on rural residents who have limited
resources in attaining information. How to present AIDS-related knowledge to the
public in a more interesting way is also another question to think about. On the
Asia-Pacific AIDS Minister Conference which was held on the opening day of XV
International AIDS Conference, Annan called for collective action of all
governments in Asia-Pacific region to work out national plans against AIDS, to
make enough financial and human resource investment in battling against AIDS, in
the effort to extinguish its spread at an earlier stage.
Source: 2002 survey was conducted by Futures Group Europe and Horizon Research
Group from April to May of 2002, among 4213 adult residents in 10 cities such as
Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Wuhan and Chengdu, and 2622 adult residents in
towns of 7 provinces, such as Hebei and Jiangsu. using multi-phasal random
sampling method. In 2003, Futures Group Europe and Horizon Research Group
carried out a survey among 3968 Chinese residents aged more than 16, using
multi-phasal random sampling method. Among them there are 1866 city residents
and 2102 town and rural residents. It was conducted from August to September of
2003, and covered 7 cities including Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou, and towns
and rural areas in 7 provinces. For further information, please visit
www.Horizonkey.com or contact Tim Manchester at Futures Europe Beijing (TManchester@51condom.com)
or Karen Hardee, Futures Group Washington DC (K.Hardee@TFGI.COM).