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报告出处:  发布日期:2014年09月12日 13:23

Survey Requirements
Smart Phone Consumers Research
Educational Status
Personal Income
Family Monthly Income
Purchase Channel of Smart Phones
Mobile Brands of Anticipated Buying Smart Phones
Price Range of Smart Phones

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Survey Requirements

Smart Phone Consumers Research

QQSurvey中国在线调研2014Q3智能手机调查是基于对中国3679位网民进行“预期未来三个月内(2014年9月-11月底)是否会购买智能手机”,其中有28.0%的消费者愿意未来三个月内购买智能手机,我们称之为潜在消费者;72.0%的网民没有意向在未来三个月内购买智能手机,我们称之为非潜在的消费者 。

QQSurvey China online research 2014Q3 smart phone survey is based on 3051 Chinese netizens’ replies on whether or not they will purchase smart phones over the next three months (from Sep., 2014 to the end of Nov., 2014). 28.0% consumers are willing to buy smart phones within the coming three months, which we call potential consumers; 72.0% have no intention of buying any smart phones in three months, which are named as non-potential consumers.

Educational Status


QQSurvey China online research 2014Q3 smart phone survey is based on the investigation of 1030 Chinese netizens who will purchase smart phones over the next three months. Among the 1030 potential users of smart phones, 78.7% of them are Junior college/ undergraduate college degree holders, becoming the major consumer group. 12.1% achieved education in high school and the following education, while respondents with graduate or above for 9.2%. All things considered, education status of smart phone potential consumers mainly concentrates on Junior college/ undergraduate college.

Personal Income


Data from QQSurvey China online research shows that governable personal monthly income of the 1030 smart phone potential consumers participating in the survey focuses on 2000-15000 yuan, around eighty percent of the total. Among them, potential consumers with personal monthly income of 2001-4000 yuan account for 21%, being the major consumer group. Next is 4001-6000 yuan, holding 19.3%. Users with no income are mostly students, who are sensitive to fashion trends and take up 16.4%.

Family Monthly Income


Data from QQSurvey China online research presents that governable family monthly income of the 1030 smart phone potential consumers participating in the survey concentrates on 4000 yuan and above, more than ninety percent of the total. Moreover, potential consumers with family monthly income of 10001-15000 yuan account for 22.1%, which are the main consumer group.

Purchase Channel of Smart Phones


QQSurvey China online research reveals that purchase channels of 1030 smart phone potential consumers participating in the survey are mainly brand monopolized shop, accounting for 55.5%. Next are on-line shopping, holding and specialized appliance hypermarket, 52.1% and 44.3% of the total respectively. The above channels are followed by computer store and shopping mall/ hypermarket , taking up 30.0% and 26.3% separately.

Mobile Brands of Anticipated Buying Smart Phones

智能手机潜在消费者中针对“预期购买哪些品牌”方面,三星(Samsung)和苹果(Apple)占主导地位,分别占了58.2%和53.2%比例。其次是联想(Lenovo) 、HTC、诺基亚(Nokia)、中兴(ZTE) ,分别占了16.5%、14.2%、12.5%、12.3%,紧追其后的是OPPO,占了10.5%。其他品牌的购买意向都低于百分之十,由此可以看出在消费者心目中三星(Samsung) 和苹果(Apple)还是占据绝对主导地位。

As for anticipated buying brands of smart phone potential consumers, Samsung and Apple have absolute predominance, accounting for 58.2% and 53.2% respectively. Next areLenovo 、HTC、Nokia、ZTE, accounting for 16.5% 、14.2%、12.5%、12.3%, respectively. which are followed by OPPO holding 10.5%. Purchase intentions of other brands are all below 10%. Thus we can see that Samsung and Apple are still predominant powers in the eyes of consumers.

Price Range of Smart Phones


Data from QQSurvey China online research shows that anticipated buying price of the 1030 smart phone potential consumers participating in the survey centers on 1000-4999 yuan, More than eighty percent of the total. Going into details, they are respectively: 1000-1999 yuan, 22.2%; 2000-2999 yuan, 23.0%; 3000-3999 yuan, 20.1%; 4000-4999 yuan, 15.0%. Obviously there is a tendency that ideal price range of smart phones for consumers is 1000-4999 yuan.

Legal Notice


Copyright of this report belongs to our company solely. Without written permission, any organizations and individuals shall not reprint, copy, or publish in any form. For citation or publishment purposes, please indicate the source of QQSurvey and don’t cite, abridge, or recompose the report against original intentions. Part of the research data released in this report adopted sampling survey method, and the data results are influenced by samples. Caused by restrictions of survey methods, samples, and survey data acquisition range, partial data can not reflect real market conditions completely. This report is only for market reference of clients. QQSurvey will not bear any legal responsibility for data accuracy in this report.

About QQSurvey

QQSurvey 是一家领先的在线调研公司,为客户提供更快速、更经济、更高效的市场调研服务
QQSurvey is a leading online research company, providing clients faster, more economic, and more efficient market research service.
QQSurvey 旗下运营中国最活跃的观点分享网站- - 第一调查网 www.1diaocha.com
QQSurvey operates China’s most active view sharing site --- 1diaocha (www.1diaocha.com)
QQSurvey 是中国信息协会市场研究业分会(CMRA)和欧洲市场研究协会(ESOMAR)会员
QQSurvey holds memberships of China Marketing Research Association (CMRA) and European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research (ESOMAR).
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